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Contact-zones 2018 | Officine Sintetiche

Contact-zones 2018

Test1 cz5

Contact-zones is a long-term project curated by Vanessa Vozzo and Laura Romano around the concept of “border/frontier” as a geographical limit, political space, governing device on bodies and territories. The physical land and sea border between states is fragmented and reconfigured within cities, producing a dialogue between new arrivals and settled inhabitants. We are the result of displacements, migrations and movements but the new migratory flows seem to put urban spaces in crisis.
The project focuses on city contact-zones conceiving them as new spaces for possible interactions.
The project makes use of locative-media and interactive-media and space perception studies, in line with Kevin Lynch “Image of the city” and a psychogeographic approach, to create art installations, performances, routes and tracing. The audiovisual content follows a narrative and/or a counter-narrative model.
The aim is to reconfigure the contact-zones of the cities through an embodiment process, which makes the urban space re-perceived by its visitors.


Supported by Fondazione CRT bank.

In Officine Sintetiche platform

Promted by the Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento Studi Umanistici (Dams) and CIRMA.

In collaboration with Politecnico di Torino – Cinema and Media Engineering

Venue: StudiumLab di Palazzo Nuovo

Artistic Direction: Vanessa Vozzo

V.O.: Chiara Vallini

Sound design: Federico Primavera

Audiovisual contents: Chiara Mele, Giuseppe Forma, Nicolò Mazzon, Youssef Haddar

GPS app: Massimo Gismondi, Riccardo Petrini, Fabiana Vinci

Interviews to: Ousmane Seye, Livia Gallo, Alessandra Terrase, Francesca Barbero, Alessia Louvin, G.raldine Louvin, Maddalena Raffa, Birane Diop

The music “Block” is composed by Federico Primavera (with: Massimo Apicella, Alberto Ezzu, Walter Mantovani, Ma;eo Mar@no)

The music “Cocek” is composed by The Undertone Orchestra



TEST1. Around Palazzo Nuovo 2018. Photo Gallery

TEST1. Around Palazzo Nuovo 2018. Photo Gallery Backstage